Publications Internationales

Equipe 1 : Etude des Systèmes CMC et Energie Renouvelable

  1.  Abderrezak Badji,  Djaffar Ould Abdesslam, Mohamed  Becherif, Fouad Eltoumi, Nacereddine Benamrouche, ‘‘ Anayse and evaluate of Energy Management System for Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Basede on  Frequency Splitting’’,  Mathematics and Computers in Simulation  (Elsevier),  on line 25 February 
  2. M.L, Denoun. H., A. Fekik, S. Vaidhyanathan ‘‘Control of separately excited DC motor with series multi-cells chopper using PI -Petri nets controller,” Nonlinear Engineering, vol 8, issue1. pp. 32-38, Janvier 2019.
  3. Zaouia Mustapha, Sofiane Hamrioui, Pascal Lorenz, ‘‘Multi-Physics Modeling and Numerical Analysis of Tubular Linear Switched Reluctance Motors’’, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Electrical Engineering, (Springer),on line 03 December 2018.
  4. Atig. M. Bouheraoua, A. Fekik, ‘‘An Experimental Investigation of Heating Induction Motor Under Open Phase Fault’’ , International Journal Of Electrical and Computer Enginneering Vol.8 Issue 3 pp.1288-1296  March 2018.
  5. Fekik, H.Denoun, Zaouia Mustapha, N. Benyahia, N.Benamrouche, A. Badji, S. Vaidyanathan “ Improvement Of The Performances Of The Direct Power Control Using Space Vector Modulation Of Three Phases PWM-Rectifier” International Journal of Control Theory and Applications Vol. 10, N° 30, 2017 pp 133-145
  6. Denoun, A.Fekik, N.Benamrouche. N.Benyahia, Zaouia Mustapha, A. Badji “Direct Power Control With Space Vector Modulation And Fuzzy DC- Voltage Control- PWM rectifier” International Journal of Circuits and Electronics Volume N°1, 2016. pp. 78-82
  7. Fekik, H.Denoun, A.T.Azar, Zaouia Mustapha, N.Benyahia, M.L.Hamida, N.Benamrouche, S.Vaidyanathan  “ Artificial Neural network for PWM rectifier direct power control and DC voltage control” IGI Global Advances in System Dynamics and Control, 2018. 
  8. Arezki Fekik, Denoun H., Azar A.T., Hamida M.L., Zaouia Mustapha., Benyahia N,   ‘‘Comparative Study of Two Level and Three Level PWM-Rectifier with Voltage  Oriented Control’’, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (book Chapter),845 Springer , 2018

Equipe 2 : Commande des machines et qualité d’énergie

  1. Rabah Rouas, Madjid Sibrahim, Salah Haddad, Nacereddine Benamrouche, ‘‘Dynamic Models of a Self-Excited Induction Generator Taking Iron Losses Into Account: a Comparative Study’’, IREMOS, Vol 10, N°4, June 2017.

Equipe 3 : Caractérisation des Materiaux de l’électrotechnique  

  1.  Abdallah HEDIR, Mustapha MOUDOUD, Nacereddine BENAMROUCHE, Ferhat BELLABAS « Behavior of Crosslinked Polyethylene Insulation of Medium And High Voltage Power Cables Under Uv Radiations », Journal of Electric Engineering (jee), Vol.17 N°2, juin 2017.
  2. Abdallah Hedir, Mustapha Moudoud ,  » effect of ultraviolet radiations on medium and high voltage cables insulation properties « International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) Vol 8 N° Oct-Nov 2016, pp 2308-2317.
  3. Lynda Sedkaoui, Feroudja Bitam-Megherbi, Mohamed Megherbi, Rahma Kachenoura, ‘‘ Prediction of Magnetic Losses FeSiNO Sheets I, Unidirectioneal Alternating Field and Rotating Field’’, Internatrional Review on Modellling and Simulations 9 (5) : 382 October 2016

Equipe 4 : Matériaux et dispositifs électroniques et photovotaïques 

  1.  Henia Fraoucene , Vinsensia Ade Sugiawati , Djedjiga Hatem , Mohammed Said Belkaid , Florence Vacandio, Marielle Eyraud , Marcel Pasquinelli  and Thierry Djenizian, ‘‘Optical and Electrochemical Properties of Self-Organized TiO2 Nanotube Arrays From Anodized Ti−6Al−4V Alloy’’, Frontiers in Chemistry , Volume7, Article 66, February 2019. 
  2. Belkacem Zouak, Rachid Zirmi, Mohammed Said Belkaid and Marcel Pasquinelli, ‘‘Study of Mg2Si Thin Film and Ultra-Thin Film Formation for Thermoelectric Applications’’, Journal of Electronic Materials, 48(4) February 2019.
  3. Ouiza Boughias , Mohammed Said Belkaid , Rachid Zirmi, Thierry Trigaud, Bernard Ratier, and Nouh Ayoub, ‘‘Field Effect Transistors Based on Composite Films of Poly(4-vinylphenol) with ZnO Nanoparticles’’, Journal of Electronic Materials, 47(4) January 2019.
  4. Sarpi , R. Zirmi , M. Putero, M. Bouslama, A. Hemeryck , S. Vizzini, ‘‘Growth, stability and decomposition of Mg2Si ultra-thin films on Si (100)’’, Applied Surface Science (Elsevier), Vol. 427, pp.522–527, January 2018.
  5. Bandou , A. Hadj Arab, M. S. Belkaid , V. Rosca , M. G. Guichoux , W. Eerenstein , J. A. M. van Roosmalen and P. O. Logerais, ‘‘Reliability of Back-Contact MWT Modules under Hot and Humid Conditions’’ British Journal of Applied Science & Technology 13(2): 1-10, 2016.
  6. Ourida Ourahmoun, Mohamed Said Belkaid “Study of important parameters affecting performances of P3HT, PCBM organic cell”. British Journal of Apllied science and Technology 20(3), January 2017, pp.1-9
  7. Ourid Ourahmoun, Thierry Trigaud, B. Ratier M.S. Belkaid, Audbert Pierre ”A efficient Tetrazine photoluminescent layer used for organic solar celles “. Syntetic metals, December 2017.