الفريق 03: Tradition and Transition

قائد الفريق: NAAR/GADA Nadia

مجال:  Arts et Sciences Humaines

 مفاتيح الكلمات

Women in traditional and contemporary society; women and the family in the literary tradition; literature as a tool for self-definition and self-liberation; female expressions of cultural nationalism in Africa and beyond.

وصف موضوع البحث للفريق:

The project stresses the place of women in the literary tradition. It aims to examine women writers and critics by studying their theoretical priorities and cultural positions. It is designed to explore both a specific and a general view of the status, achievements and experiences of Algerian, African, and other women in fiction and nonfiction. Using different genres (poetry, novels and plays) to understand how women’s literary expression has been shaped by history, culture, and their experiences, as well as see how they are addressing issues of gender in their respective societies. The research team will focus on issues of identity, oppression, resistance, exile, language, translation and colonialism, using as points of entry a diverse set of texts revolving around two central issues: the way in which women authors represent gender as a crucial variable for social stratification and the use of writing itself as a tool for social transformation and critique. The objectives set are, first and foremost, to deal with the different genres and literary themes presented by African women writers. To understand the historical and social context in which African women’s literary expressions have developed in order to appreciate the richness and variety of Algerian and African women’s literary production while endeavoring to understand more clearly the impact of colonialism, race, class, ethnicity and gender on women. Taking our theoretical bearings from a comparative poetics, giving much emphasis to the oral tradition in which the writers were brought up as to the Western culture in which were educated; taking into consideration the discourse on the literature of Africa and its Diaspora and how women writers have emerged at the forefront of the movement to restore African women to their proper place in the study of African history, society and culture.

القائمة الشاملة للأعضاء الدائمين في الفريق:

Nom et Prénom اللقب والإسم Date de Nais. Dernier diplôme Grade Domaine Structure de rattachement Email actif
NAAR/GADA Nadia قادة نادية 21/06/1967 Doctorat MCA Arts et Sciences Humaines U. Tizi Ouzou nadiagada0@gmail.com
larabi sabéha لريبي صبيحة 14/05/1973 Doctorat MAA Arts et Sciences Humaines U. Tizi Ouzou larabi.sabeha@gmail.c
seddiki sadia سديكي سعدية 07/12/1980 Doctorat MAA Arts et Sciences Humaines U. Tizi Ouzou sad.seddiki@gmail.com
nassima terki نسيمة تركي 31/08/1989 Magister MCB Arts et Sciences Humaines U. Boumerdès nassimaterki@hotmail.fr
khedidja chergui خديجة شرقي 10/12/1988 Magister MAA Arts et Sciences Humaines U. Alger-2- chergui.english88@gmail.com
naima tighzer نعيمة تيقزيري 03/05/1983 Magister MAA Arts et Sciences Humaines U. Bejaia tighzernaima@gmail.com