Publications Internationales
- B. Péroche, B. Sadi, Recouvrement et partition en chaînes des arêtes d’un graphe cubique, RAIRO, vol. 20, no 2, mai 1986, p. 163 à170
- Bachir Sadi, Suite d’ensembles partiellement ordonnés, ARIMA, vol. 4, p. 66-71,2006.…/arima00404.pdf
- Alain Gély, Lhouari Nourine, Bachir Sadi, Enumeration aspects of maximal cliques and bicliques, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Volume 157, Issue 7, Pages 1447-1459, 2009. ?id=1085284
- M.AIDENE, I.L VOROB’EV, and B.OUKACHA « Algorithm for the Solving a linear Optimal Control Problem with Minimax Performance Index », Revue Computational Mathematics and mathematical Physics, Vol.45,N° 10,2005, pp. 1691-1700.
- B.OUKACHA & M.AIDENE « Necessary and sufficient condition of optimality of a min-max problem in optimal control », International Journal of Applied Mathematics, IJAM, Volume 21, N°3, 2008, PP 381-394.ISSN 1311-1728.
- M.K. Luhandjula, M. Belhouas, M.Ouanes, Semi-infinite Programming : A collocation approach, International Center for theoretical Physics, Trieste Italy, 1994,
- M.K.Luandjula, M.Ouanes, A cutting-plane approaches for Semi-infinite optimization, African Journal of Science and Technology, pp 1-10, 2001
- Le Thi Hoai An , Mohand.Ouanes, A Tighter lower bound by convex quadratic function for univariate global optimization ,“Modeling, Computation and Optimization in Information Systems and Management Sciences, Hermes Sciences Publishing, pp 223-231, 2004 lethi/publication.html
- Le Thi Hoai An , Mohand.Ouanes, Convex quadratic underestimation and Branch and Bound for univariate global optimization with one nonconvex constraint, RAIRO, Operational research, 40, Num 3, pp 285-302, 2006…/feu…