Publications Internationales

  1. B. Péroche, B. Sadi, Recouvrement et partition en chaînes des arêtes d’un graphe cubique, RAIRO, vol. 20, no 2, mai 1986, p. 163 à170
  2.  Bachir Sadi, Suite d’ensembles partiellement ordonnés, ARIMA, vol. 4, p. 66-71,2006.…/arima00404.pdf
  3. Alain Gély, Lhouari Nourine, Bachir Sadi, Enumeration aspects of maximal cliques and bicliques, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Volume 157, Issue 7, Pages 1447-1459, 2009. ?id=1085284
  4.  M.AIDENE, I.L VOROB’EV, and B.OUKACHA « Algorithm for the Solving a linear Optimal Control Problem with Minimax Performance Index », Revue Computational Mathematics and mathematical Physics, Vol.45,N° 10,2005, pp. 1691-1700.
  5.  B.OUKACHA & M.AIDENE « Necessary and sufficient condition of optimality of a min-max problem in optimal control », International Journal of Applied Mathematics, IJAM, Volume 21, N°3, 2008, PP 381-394.ISSN 1311-1728.
  6.  M.K. Luhandjula, M. Belhouas, M.Ouanes, Semi-infinite Programming : A collocation approach, International Center for theoretical Physics, Trieste Italy, 1994,
  7.  M.K.Luandjula, M.Ouanes, A cutting-plane approaches for Semi-infinite optimization, African Journal of Science and Technology, pp 1-10, 2001
  8. Le Thi Hoai An , Mohand.Ouanes, A Tighter lower bound by convex quadratic function for univariate global optimization ,“Modeling, Computation and Optimization in Information Systems and Management Sciences, Hermes Sciences Publishing, pp 223-231, 2004 lethi/publication.html
  9.  Le Thi Hoai An , Mohand.Ouanes, Convex quadratic underestimation and Branch and Bound for univariate global optimization with one nonconvex constraint, RAIRO, Operational research, 40, Num 3, pp 285-302, 2006…/feu…