Influence of ovulation induction methods on the success of artificial insemination in rabbits does of the synthetic strain
Boudour. K
Aichouni .A
Lankri .E
Zerrouki Daoudi .N
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The objective of the study is to determine the impact of applying different stimulation modes in rabbits to achieve fertile insemination (positive palpation). A total of 30 rabbits of the synthetic strain aged 6.5±1.4 months, with an average weight of 3607.2 ±241.6 g, were divided into three experimental batches (10 rabbits/batch), according to the stimulation method used: hormonal (either GnRH or PMSG) and mechanical stimulation by the use of sterile males. The effect of stimulation method used on the reproductive parameters of does conducted in AI, was analyzed during the three consecutive reproduction cycles, and define the most reliable and cost-effective method recommend to improve the fertility and productivity of females. They monitored and their reproductive parameters recorded. Receptivity of rabbits before insemination recorded. All data obtained from three reproductive cycles revealed that, apart from stillbirth, other reproductive parameters not affected by the ovulation induction methods.
25/06/2019 au 29/06/2019, Bulgarie Paris
Hormonal stimulation, infertile male, ovulation, fertility, prolificacy, mortality.