The Role of Visual Metaphors in Enhancing Cultural Learning: A Multimodal Analysis of BBC Learning English
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Mouloud Mammeri University
The present study examines the role of visual metaphors in enhancing cultural learning using the BBC Learning English platform. The objectives of this research are to examine Algerian EFL students’ perceptions of visual metaphors on the BBC Learning English platform. It aims to explore how these visual elements contribute to a more immersive and culturally contextualized learning experience. Furthermore, the study investigates how different types of visual metaphors enhance understanding of cultural concepts. This dissertation uses the Mixed Methods Research that combines quantitative and qualitative methods. For data collection, we used two tools: a questionnaire and a corpus analysis method known as Kress and Van Leeuwen’s Grammar of Visual Design (1996-2006). The questionnaire data is analyzed following Descriptive Statistical Method and Qualitative Content Analysis (QCA). For the corpus analysis, Lakoff and Johnson’s Conceptual Metaphor Theory (1980) functions as the theoretical framework for examining metaphor use, while Kress and Van Leeuwen’s GVD theory provides the analytical framework. The results of the study indicate that visual metaphors in BBC Learning English are effective in enhancing students’ understanding of cultural concepts. EFL students find these tools helpful in simplifying abstract ideas, engaging with cultural content, and improving idiomatic expressions retention, varying based on individual cultural background and language proficiency.
79p. : Ill. en coul. ; 30cm(+CD-Rom)
BBC Learning English, Conceptual Metaphor Theory, Cultural Learning, Visual Grammar Theory, Visual Metaphors
Didactics of Foreign Languages