Communication Internationale

Pr Djenane Djamel

1) Ouelhadj Akli (2015). Isolation of bioactive actinomycetes from soil samples collected in water source in the region of north Algeria. The 1st International Conference Microbial Ecology: Towards New Challenges. Université Ferhat Abbas Sétif 1. Algérie.

2) Ouelhadj Akli, Djenane Djamel (2016). The control of Botrytis cinerea and Alternaria alternate with Urtica dioica L. essential oil and its potential application in tomato fruits. IVeme congres international de Biotechnologie et Valorisation des Bioressources (AT-BVBR), Hammamet, Tunisie.

3) Ouelhadj Akli (2016).Isolation and screening of actinomycetes from Algerian soil for their Enzymatic and Antimicrobial Activities. Journées Internationales de Biotechnologie (JIB2016), Sousse, Tunisie.

4) Ouelhadj Akli (2017).Isolation of Heavy Metal Resistant Bacteria from Contaminated industrial Effluent in North Algeria. First International Conference on Microbial Ecotoxicology.  Lyon, France.

5) Ouelhadj Akli (2018).Antioxydant and Antimicrobial Activities of leaf extract of Urtica dioica L: Application in tomato fruits. Symposium International sur la Recherche Antimicrobienne, Université Djillali Bounaama de Khémis Miliana, Algérie.

6) Ouelhadj Akli (2019). Isolation of antagonist –active halophilic bacteria and biocon.trol test of Botrytis cinerea on tomato plants. The 18th  International Days of Biotechnology (IBD 2019), Sousse, Tunisia.

7) Nakib Rifka, Ouelhadj Akli (2018). Evaluation de certains paramètres de qualité de quelques miels Algériens, et leur discrimination selon l’origine botanique et géographique. Séminaire Internationale des Sciences Alimentaires SISA 2018, Université Fréres Mentouri Constantine 1, Algérie.

8) Sab Chafiaa, Berrabah Katia, Maiz said, Ouelhadj Akli (2018).Evaluation des paramètres physico-chimiques et l’activité anti-oxydante des extraits phénoliques d’olives de table Sigoise au cours du processus de la fermentation. Séminaire Internationale des Sciences Alimentaires SISA 2018, Université Fréres Mentouri Constantine 1, Algérie.

9) Nakib Rifka, Chougar Tinhinen, Kabdi Taous , Ouelhadj Akli (2018).A comparative study of the effect of some natural Algerian honeys in the growth of some microbial species. The First International Conference on Apiculture, Hive products and sustainable Development, Abdelhamid Ibn Badis University, Mostaganem, Algeria.

10) Mazi Damia, Ouelhadj Akli (2019). Evaluation de l’antibioresistance et de la métallorésistance des bactéries isolées à partir de deux stations de traitement de l’eau potable dans la région de Tizi ouzou. International Congress Valorization of Bio Resources : Application and Impact on Sustainable Development, University M’Hamed Bougara, Boumerdes, Algeria.

11) Sab Chafiaa, Ouelhadj Akli (2019).Isolement des bactéries lactiques a partir de la saumure des olives de table vertes Sigoise au cours de la fermentation. International Conference SINAAN19 on Progress in Natural Antioxidants: sources, mechanisms of actions and valorization in health, University of Bejaia, Algeria.

Pr Amrouche Tahar

– T. Amrouche, Lydia Belaid. Esters and higher alcohols determination in lager beer during primary fermentation performed at industrial scale. Bioflavour 2015 – International Conference on Flavor and Fragrance Biotechnology, 9–11 September 2015 Frankfurt, Germany.

– T. Amrouche, K. Sutyak Noll, Y. Wang, Q. Huang, M.L. Chikindas. Interaction between subtilosin and pure curcumin versus encapsulated curcumin against Listeria monocytogenes strains. 4th Congress of European Microbiologists (FEMS), June 26-30, 2011 – Geneva, Switzerland.

– T. Amrouche, K. Sutyak Noll, Y. Wang, Q. Huang, M.L. Chikindas. Anti-listerial activity of subtilosin alone and combined with curcumin, polylysin and zinc lactate. 22nd International ICFMH Symposium, Food Micro 2010 30 August – 3 September 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark.